Ahead4 Time

Ahead4 Time Actual Time
October 1997 September 1, 1998
November 1997 November 19, 1998
"Soon" (1998), way before 2005 October 10, 2007
September 30, 2003 November 16, 2004
June 1, 2006 October 10, 2007
Christmas of 2007 Coincident with the Rapture
Four days Two months and six days
Every 3 months Every few years
In the coming weeks In large updates starting in five months and continuing over the next seven years
Coming tomorrow at 11 AM Coming tomorrow at 2 PM<
Today Tonight at 11:49 PM, UTC + 1
Q1 The third week of Q2
Coming "Soon" Coming in over two months
Beginning in (next month)... Beginning in the month after the stated one
Shortly In six months
We're finishing this feature up now We've just finished the concept and we'll start working on it in the coming weeks (see below)
March May 23
Early 2008: November 18, 2008
Late March Late April
In April May 12th
Each Wednesday for the next few weeks Each Wednesday for three weeks, then when we feel like it
This coming holiday season! 2010 April 18th, 2011.
July 12th July 15th
Later this Spring Fall
In one hour In two hours and 15 minutes
24 hours 28 Hours and 45 Minutes
Today's update An update 4 years, 8 months, 18 days later
No later than June 30th. July 12th.
30 Minutes 1-2 Hours
An update tomorrow or early next week 3 months later
Hopefully Next Week 9 Months Later
Before the end of 2012 February 15th 2013
April 23rd 2013 May 1st 2013